Hybrid Cars Carpool

Hybrid Cars Carpool. State-issued HOV decals are obtained from the Department of Motor Vehicles or any tag agency. Allowing a hybrid to go through the carpool lane with a solo passenger defeat this purpose.

What is the Purpose of the Carpool Lane? - True Commuter
What is the Purpose of the Carpool Lane? - True Commuter (Cody Rios)
Public Transit Vehicles (i.e., busses) Certain plug-in hybrid, alternative fuel, and clean air vehicles (must have green or white decal issued by the California DMV) Any vehicle with two or more occupants (some highways require three or more) Vehicles powered exclusively by Clean Special Fuel (including hybrid gasoline/electric, hydrogen, hythane, methane, compressed natural gas, electricity, liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, ethane, and solar energy) and registered with Clean Special Fuel license plates are permitted to use HOV lanes under certain circumstances (see. Law enforcement agencies have been informed about the stickers and the qualified vehicles. If you drive a hybrid or other qualifying low-emission car, you may be allowed to drive in the high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes on the highway, even if only one person is in the car.

Hybrid technology has improved considerably over the years, and hybrid car prices have dropped.

Hybrid car drivers in California are no longer allowed to drive in the HOV carpool lane if there is only one person in the car.

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Arizona is ending a program that allowed drivers of certain hybrid cars to use the carpool lane even if just one person was in the vehicle. Allowing a hybrid to go through the carpool lane with a solo passenger defeat this purpose. Plug-in hybrids would receive the benefit until.
